In my last post, I mentioned that I am currently drafting Book Two of The Brisand Family Saga. I will soon need beta readers as I get ready to publish it. Are you up for the challenge?
You may be asking, Jess, what the heck is a beta reader anyway? Well, I am so glad you asked. :) A beta reader is someone who reads an author's work prior to its publication. Beta readers are critical partners in the editing process because they give an author vital feedback in things like the storyline, plot, and character development.
I am looking for several beta readers for my new book. If you'd be interested in learning more about becoming a beta reader for me, send me a quick email. You can email me at and I'll get back with you as soon as possible.

My book is, of course, the sequel to Reluctant Heiress. I'm on track to have it ready for beta readers during the second week of June. However, if you're interested in beta reading the sequel and you haven't read the first book, I'll need to send a free copy of it so you'll have time to read it. It's also available on #KindleUnlimited if you'd rather go that route.
I look forward to hearing from you!